Salamandroid Stats
Real Name: Dadurahn Rhan Species: Phibi/Sinn/Salamander Hybrid Homeworld: Pyrdani Height: 11′ 9″ Weight: 2000 lbs. Abilities: Incredible strength and endurance, can leap 100 feet in
Real Name: Dadurahn Rhan Species: Phibi/Sinn/Salamander Hybrid Homeworld: Pyrdani Height: 11′ 9″ Weight: 2000 lbs. Abilities: Incredible strength and endurance, can leap 100 feet in
It’s happening tonight (09-19-22), the launch of the CyberFrog action
Last night (Sept. 15, 2022) Ethan surprised us with a
Real Name: Lily Something Owen Species: Human Homeworld: Earth Height:
Real Name: Dadurahn Rhan Species: Phibi/Sinn/Salamander Hybrid Homeworld: Pyrdani Height:
CyberFrog™, Salamandroid ™, Heather Swain, and all related characters, logos, titles and images are the Copyright © and Trademark of Ethan Van Sciver and All C.A.P.S. Comics, 2018 – present.
Other Artwork/Artworks, 3D, traditional, or digital, are the property of their respective creators & cataloged here for entertainment purposes & leisure review.