Species: Phibi/Sinn/Scorpion Hybrid
Homeworld: Pyrdani
Height: 15′ (?) Weight: 3000 lbs. (?)
Skorpione can pinch and poke and get all stabby with his tail. He’s likely to be on a strength and power level that’s on par with Salamandroid.
Looking at this redesigned Skorpeone I doubt that there is much in common with the original 90’s version of the character, with the exception of indomitable strength. (Though he was mentioned briefly in BloodHoney as the Pollen8 were delivering a bomb to him) Check out the gallery below for examples of Skorpeone’s brutality.
Skorpeone is pictured here with CyberMan (confirmation here) and a blue Sinn (doubtful that it’s Kjell Sinn) leading one to speculate that this trio of characters are counterparts to Team Amphibionix, with Skorpeone serving as analog to Salamndroid.
I’ll try to have more information as it becomes available.
THE 90’s:
During the 90’s era, Skorpeone is the leader of “The Swarm”, a gang of genetically engineered creatures that are combined with biomechanical implants that give them extraordinary abilities. RumbleBee is an example of this scientific tampering.
Headquarters: The Hive