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Salamandroid: Death’s Sting – Commentary
Ethan gives insight into the creation of Salamandroid: Death’s Sting!
It’s our favorite little brother . . . (right? I mean Dadurahn was born second.) . . . added to the Warts and all cover.
Though I’m not sure what cover this one might be referencing as Salamandroid only appeared on the cover of the Salamandroid Zine during the Harris era, but did appear on interiors of the Amphibionix title.
I have to say that Sal is looking a bit small here. When you look at the relative size of Sal to CyberFrog on the Team up Cover to BloodHoney you reall get a sense of just how big the dude is. Perhaps he’s way in the background on this piece? Only time will tell.
Excellent detail throughout this piece so far and we’re looking forward to more.
Naturally, don’t forget to secure your copy of CyberFrog: REKT Planet here.
— ComicArtistPro Secrets (@EthanVanSciver) August 31, 2020
Ethan gives insight into the creation of Salamandroid: Death’s Sting!
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CyberFrog™, Salamandroid ™, Heather Swain, and all related characters, logos, titles and images are the Copyright © and Trademark of Ethan Van Sciver and All C.A.P.S. Comics, 2018 – present.
Other Artwork/Artworks, 3D, traditional, or digital, are the property of their respective creators & cataloged here for entertainment purposes & leisure review.