This demo game level is inspired by Cyberfrog and 16 bit style genesis and PSX games.
In a bigger game you would repair Kjell Sinn , unlock upgrades like plasma guns and tongue bombs and over a number of levels, partner up with Salamandroid and assault the the Vyzpzz queens hive.
Frequently Asked Questions
Once the game loads go to HELP to see the control list or whilst playing press P to pause and bring up a control list.
- Its basically WSAD to move and space to jump
- mouse 1 to punch and mouse 2 to kick.
- Press R to RIBBIT!
There are more controls. Please review the list.
How do I install and run the game?
Click the button on the Download page for your 64bit operating system , PC, Mac OS X or Linux and save the zip.
unzip to a directory of your choice and then double click the game icon.
A configuration menu for the game will appear and you can set your screen settings and remap the controls if desired.
Where can I find a list of the controls?
From the game menu select help and a list of controls for keyboard and mouse and joystick are shown
In game pressing P or options on PS4 control will pause the game and bring up a control list and instructions.
How do I use the PS4 joystick to play?
On PC, plug in your PS4 joystick to a spare usb port before running the game.
Will you support the Xbox controller?
I have tried but the triggers L2 and R2 don’t work, this is bug with unity input manager that I wasted a lot of time trying to fix. and failed. the PS4 joystick was very easy to get working.. the xbox controller ,over 5 hrs … I swore 8 times.. and my blood pressure went up by 20.All I can say is sorry and if there is a bigger game ill throw some money at the problem.
Is there a way to support a bigger cyberfrog game or other All caps games?
Your future support of any proposed game would be appreciated.
the demo was a gift to EVS and to show what one level of a bigger game could be like.
If a bigger game is made I would need code help as I’m a bit crap.
So if you are a decent ( i.e. C# and unity experience with 3-4+ games made. ) coder, please get in touch.
What do I do if I break the game or find a big bug?
Please message me a short description of what OS you were on and what happened and I’ll try and fix it.