Amphibionix Trading Card Binder Cover Art
Do you have all of the cards that are out now? Check out this link to see what’s available so far:

We passed $300K, so everyone who backs CYBERFROG: WARTS AND ALL and reserves a hardcover perk receives a FREE Trading Card Binder! Here's the art for the cover of the binder! You can still back it here:
— ComicArtistPro Secrets (@EthanVanSciver) October 6, 2020
Also don’t miss the CyberFrog: Warts and All funding on IndieGoGo right now! It collects the entire 90s publications into a single hard cover volume. And for the first time ever, Unfrogettalble Tales #3 is also avaible though this campaign, printing a never before seen adventure of CyberFrog in his early days. Don’t miss it!
If you’re looking for more about CyberFrog, check out the CyberFrog: REKT Planet campaign! It’s the highest earning crowdfunded comic in the history of IndieGoGo!